Thursday, June 01, 2006

Why the protests against reservations aren't working and a bit more

The protests against reservations have brought cheer to my heart as they are an indication that all is not lost. There are people around who seem to have the ability to take things head on. I have been seeing the way things have been going and I feel that this is the ideal way to go about things. Protesting in a peaceful manner.
However, the time for peaceful protests is long past. We have become a people who won't listen to words and our politicians are even worse. We fear those who are violent(radical should be the right word but not it is not radical enough to convey my meaning) and in this case fear is what should be generated in the politicians. For example, how to do movies get banned? Fear of violence!The time when voices of dissuading were heard was really short(if at all it was ever heard). It is the mob which rules.

I have read about people likening the situation to the revolutions in Eastern Europe but although they seemed to be spontaneous, they were very well planned. So we can go one up on them at this moment of time without actually resorting to violence(as in killing). One of the major ingredients for success is subversion from within. Unfortunately the best solution without violence is paralysis of work in the country. The movement needs even the bureaucrats, soldiers in the army to come together. The ultimate strike would be of those providing security to the vibes. That would certainly set the cat among the pigeons. I know this is wishful thinking but it sure would be effective. So let us consider a lesser alternative which is vandalizing the HARD ministry office. It would certainly set them thinking. I am surprised that I am suggesting something on these lines but that appears to be the only feasible solution. Bringing the country to a grinding halt. It would people up if in a city like Hyderabad the protest are not held on Sundays but rather on weekdays. The protests seem to be just a token expression and not that serious since no one is actually being affected(I am talking about the phenomenon in Hyderabad). By protesting on a weekday we would actually be sacrificing a lot more and at the same time make the point in a more emphatic manner. A thousand people on a weekday morning for 2 hours near secretariat would be more effective than five thousand on a Sunday. I still think that protesting in that way is unbecoming but that is the only resort left if anything meaningful is to come out of the protests. The protests are not registering where they should. The age of reason seems to have passed us by, and what is left is a mentality for which 'majority is right' leading to the culture of the mob.

We have got the weapon of productivity and the country's economy can be heavily damaged through a little bit of strategic planning. However it would affect us too. So we need to make a few sacrifices, so that the future generations won't be sacrificed. Looking at it logically, it is in the prosperity of the affluent that the not so affluent can prosper. A simple example here would be that of the maid servant, who is dependent on work from someone who is richer it is basically those who have the power who are ignorant of it and the ways in which to unleash it. Being a socialist at heart I still don't understand how the middle-class has failed to assert itself as a major influence which counts. (What does being a socialist have to do with it? You might ask. It is just that I see that there are more ways possible) It is only when there is a major crisis that we raise our head an moan , protest and go back to sleep. This is also a result of a lack of major sacrifices being made. For example, very few of our best students go on to become teachers, especially for someone in the age group of 14 to 22 it could be crucial unwillingness to come to terms with reality is affecting us. The dream to earn big bucks makes engineers and MBAs of us all but then there are few who actually want to build something more meaningful

Protesting as I have said before is all very good, but it is time for us to inarguable the direction that we are taking!!!

PS: this post was in draft mode for a long time and much more water has passed under the bridge.
PPS: I will be writing more probably on the issue but I may take up a diametrically opposite stance the next time around!!!

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